CAN-BUS Introduction, Application & Diagnosis (Online Course)



This course covers everything about CAN-BUS network in vehicles.

We start by taking about the importance of having a network in vehicles and how network can increase the efficiency and reliability of electrical systems.

After introduction, we walk together through the configuration of the network and different rating and classes of network.

Then we continue by introducing the high-speed CAN, the configuration and characteristics of this network. Wiring diagram analysis and finding the network on the car are part of this section as well. We do a lot of practical activities on the car to see how we can check the CAN bus voltage and resistance with a multimeter.

We also see how to set up an oscilloscope to read and analyze the CAN-BUS waveform.

Checking the low-speed CAN is also an important part of this lecture.

In any step, we will see the procedure to do the diagnosis and we will have some simulated faults too.

Performing the diagnosis in case of having CAN-BUS time-out, CAN-BUS Error or CAN-BUS off is included in this course.

After attending this course you will be able to:

– Explain why we need a network and how a network works

– Explain the configuration and classes of the network in vehicles

– Explain what CAN-BUS is, and how it works

– Explain the high-speed and low-speed CAN

– Explain how to find the control units connected to each network

– Use the wiring diagrams to locate the CAN-BUS wires on the wiring harness

– Test the high-speed and low-speed networks voltage with multimeter

– Test the high-speed networks resistance with multimeter

– Test the high-speed and low-speed networks waveform with an oscilloscope

– Explain how network reacts if there is a fault

– Explain what CAN-BUS Time-out is

– Explain what CAN-BUS Error is

– Explain what CAN-BUS Off is

– Explain the step-by-step diagnosis when there is “no communication” fault

– Explain the role of the gateway in the network

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