This course covers everything about “Electric Power Steering System“.
We start by talking about power steering system evolution by addressing Hydraulic, Electrohydraulic and Electric Power Steering systems.
Then we dive into all different types of electric power steering system.
Generally there are three main designs of EPS including Column Type, Pinion Type and Rack Type EPS System.
In this course we talk about all those designs, how they function and how to diagnose them.
Some components inside an EPS assembly play important roles in EPS operation, they include Torque sensor, Steering angle sensor, EPS ECU and EPS Motor.
In this course we talk about Magnetic and Optical Torque sensor and how they function.
We will also see how we can read and analyze the EPS wiring diagram. We will see the diagram in detail for one car, and wiring layout for two more cases.
We have a practical approach in this course, so we dismantle two EPS assemblies to discuss the internal components and operation.
We also show you how you can use a scan tool to diagnose the EPS system, using the Live Data or by performing the steering angle sensor calibration.
We also take a look at EPS possible fault codes and we discuss the possible causes for those fault codes.

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